Our vision is to be a place where every child and adult can feel and be safe.
To achieve our vision we are committed to living by the teachings and example of Jesus Christ, adhering to all relevant legislation including PVG membership and following the guidance of the Church of Scotland National Safeguarding Service. We access training for all our employees and volunteers and our Safeguarding Panel meets regularly to review and develop our local safeguarding practices and guidance.
We aspire to create the safest place possible for everyone to meet and participate.
If you have any questions or comments please get in touch with our safeguarding coordinator – Sheila Ritchie 07794 956572
or by email by clicking here
If you have a concern please phone our coordinator.
Or, if you prefer or the matter is urgent, phone:
Police Scotland 101
Out of hours Social Work Standby Service 0300 343 1505
or contact your local social work centre within office hours.
“Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of those who are poor and needy.”