the simplest way of following God in mission
Acorn is a movement – across the Church of Scotland – that seeks to connect Christians with the work God is doing in others through caring conversation. Acorn does this through missional discipleship, by involving some Christian friends and sending them out to try the acronym A-C-O-R-N.
Michael Harvey, initiator of ‘Back to Church Sunday’, has developed this practice and many Christian lives are being changed and invigorated, instigating well over 12,000 God conversations in Scotland in 2021. Acorn is helping them in their lives, to put God in charge, to put mission first, to be faithful and fruitful.

This is for EVERYONE who cares about their families, friends and neighbours. And the FUTURE of the Church.
So, please come along and discover what ACORN stands for. Otherwise, what does Killermont Church stand for?
For further information about ACORN please visit their Facebook page, thank you.