Love, Death & Resurrection
Discover the Bible together in a whole new way.
What are you hearing from God as you read his Word?
Whether you’re new to the Bible or you’ve been reading it all your life, you can contribute and learn.
Love, Death & Resurrection is the New Testament in a new format, re-ordered to give a sense of the Story of Jesus, His Church and the world He came to save.
Each day you’ll read 3 or 4 pages, Monday to Friday.
Once a week, you’ll join a book group to discuss what you’ve read.
Please speak to Christine Cavanagh or Alan Hamilton.
Read big! Read real! Read together!
Our new session in Love, Death & Resurrection commences w/c 18th August. If you’ve never attended one of our Bible review meetings why not pick one that suits your diary and come along. You’ll be very welcome to take part in what is an exciting discussion centred on The Bible dealing with current day challenges & topics.