Boclair Life
Boclair Community Church is alive and active!
Remembrance Sunday 2024
We were joined by our friends and neighbours from across Killermont and Bearsden so that, together, we could mark this time of national remembrance. Our Boys Brigade, Guides and Scouts shared in our service and marched down Rannoch Drive afterwards. People of all ages helped to lead through music and words. Hamish, Sophie-Louise and Chris led our Act of Remembrance with our two minutes of silence signalled by David playing the Last Post and concluded by Alan playing Flowers of the Forest. The trumpet and pipes were very poignant. We honoured those who have service and sacrificed. And we challenged ourselves, to allow our remembering to move from tradition to transformation.
24 Dec 23
Killermont Karollers sing Light of the World. Thank you Liz and Tony for getting the best out of us!
Mon 18 Dec 23
Killermont Primary School Christmas Service
We welcomed the pupils, staff and families of our wonderful Primary School. The Christ in Christmas was shared in songs, music and readings all led by the children. Prayer from Miss Mathieson and our own Ailie Mowat. Jonny set the Christmas scene and Alan, our minister and school chaplain, talked about the gifts from God that cannot be wrapped. Thank you to Miss Smith and her team who nurture our children with such skill and care.
17 Dec 23
Our men’s group sing The Reason for Christmas. With thanks to Ann, to our inspiration choir leader and pianist. And with apologies to Mr Tomlin.
CAP Christians against Poverty
15 Dec 23
Our own Jeff Roy helping to pack Christmas hampers for 25 clients of CAP West Glasgow. Delighted to working in partnership with West Glasgow New Church and other local churches to support the amazingly compassionate ministry of Christians Against Poverty
13 Dec 23
Boys’ Brigade Junior Section
Along with the Anchor Boys and Company Section, the Juniors enjoyed a LOUD and very fun pre-Christmas celebration. Lots of great games and making Christmas penguins (which became rather competitive)! Roll on January! And we wish Tom, who’s been helping out, every blessing as he goes to South Africa to work with YWAM.
12 Dec 23
De Café Christmas Party
Killermont Primary School Choir came down to sing carols and Christmas songs. The singing was brilliant and hugely appreciated by everyone. Our next dementia café is on 23 Jan.
For more info go to
10 Dec 23
East Dunbartonshire Schools Concert Band
Again this Christmas, we were delighted to host this wonderful band. Superb young musicians from across East Dunbartonshire. A wonderful mix of Christmas music and carols and readings. What a sound! As the Band’s reputation grows, so does the audience!
09 Dec 23
Another Christmas and another outing for our wonderful Christmas Tree. Haven’t our Killermont elves been busy!
03 Dec 23
Anne and Rhoda have been collecting gifts to be distributed through the Salvation Army in Glasgow. Once again, they have harnessed the generosity of so many friends in Killermont Church.